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Straight hair care tips

已有 1013 次閱讀2010-9-21 16:07 |

Straight hair care tips
Nursing focus: vertical smooth, glossy, sunscreen, moisturizer
1. In the after-sun, to thoroughly clean hair. When washing planchas ghd use fingers gently massage the belly hair,
promote blood circulation, the plancha ghd number of shampoo should not be too much, do not wash it everyday.
2. Insist on doing once a week deep hair care, hair loss add water and nutrients.
3. To go out before, the hair coated with the ghd lisseur protective effect of disposable conditioner rationale
 behind with a comb neatly.
4. Just pay special attention to hair after hair sunscreen.
 Dyed hair because the cuticle lisseur layer because the surface area of more open, will be more affected by UV damage.

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